Kamis, 11 April 2013

Hukum Migrasi Ernest G. Ravenstein

Ernest Georg Ravenstein’s
Law of Migration (1885)

1. The majority of migrant go only a short distances
2.       Migration proceeds step by step
3.       Migrants going long distances  generally go by preference to    one of the  great centres of commerce or industry
4.       Each current of migration produces a compensating counter-current
5.       Natives of towns are less migratory than those of rural areas
6.       Females are more migratory than males within the kingdom of their birth, bu males more frequently venture beyond
7.       Most migrants are adults : families rarely migrate out of their country of birth
8.       Large towns grow more by migration than by natural increase
9.       Migration increases in volume as industries and commerce develop and transport improves
10.   The major direction of migration is from the agricultural areas to the centres of industry and commerce
11.   The major causes of migration are economic.  

Temuan Ravenstein dirangsang volume besar pekerjaan, dan, meskipun 'hukum' telah disesuaikan oleh para peneliti berhasil, mereka belum benar-benar ditolak. Pengamatan masing-masing 'hukum' seperti yang diterapkan ke Inggris pada 1980-an, misalnya, menunjukkan bahwa sehubungan dengan poin 1, lebih dari setengah bergerak dilakukan setiap tahun di Inggris dan Wales berada di daerah yang sama otoritas lokal, dan menunjukkan 3, bahwa pusat-pusat perkotaan terbesar menerima jumlah tertinggi imigran.

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