Independence is something which is waited by Indonesian
People for 350 years. What’s happen in Kebumen on August 17, 1945 ? How Kebumen
People greet the Proclamation statement ?
That time, the communication tools
wasn’t good with now. Television didn’t have, radio was limited. Much Kebumen
people didn’t know that Ir. Soekarno and
Drs. Mo Hatta had state the Independence. Angkatan Moeda Indonesia acted to
inform into villages and subdstricts. They paint the wall with a slogan
“Freedom”, “Freedom or Die”, and “Prefer die than live with colonial”. In other
place, people held ceremony. In Ambal, the ceremony was hold on beach and
markets. Greeting by people was great.
Spirit of nation from people was
wide and thick. They had realized that they had been nation which had freedom.
After they suffered by colonialism, they wish be welafare. On September 1945,
the Chairmen of National Committe of inadonesia ( KNI ) Kebumen was replace from
Gularso to Sugeng. On October 1945, Said Prawirosastro, the Regent of
Kebumen was replace with Prawotosudibyo.
Then, youngs man disarmed the weapon
of Japan army. In this case, Angkatan Muda could take four of trucks, two of
cars, and one of motorcycle. The big companies could take over . For example :
Mex Olie Company ( Nabatiyasa ) in Kebumen, Olvado Company in Karanganyar,
Twilled Cloth Company in Sruweng, and Roof Brezole Company in Pejagoan. The
prisoners of war were surrended to government. Angkatan Moeda Kebumen with
BKR also disarmed in Sumpiuh, Banyumas. They seized two of trucks and twenty of weapons. Japan
army were took at Karanganyar Prison.
On August 1945, the Government
formed BKR. The ex member of PETA, Heiho, KNIL, and youngs other were member.
On September 1945 formed National Committee of Indonesia
( KNI ) to assisted governance.
In Kebumen found struggle
organization by people. They were AOI ( Angkatan Oemat Islam Indonesia, AMGRI (
Angatan Moeda Republik Indonesia ), and Barisan Banteng on October 1945.
TKR Kebumen and other organizations
went to Magelang to fought with NICA and England. They got one of cars and such
as of weapon after they return to Kebumen.
In Kebumen formed new organizations
; BPRI ( Barisan Pemberontakan Rakyat Indonesia ), BBI ( Barisan Buruh
Indonesia ), and Pesindo as fused of Angkatan Moeda, Hizbullah, and Laskar
Rakyat. There were formed Social Party, Masyumi Party, and Labour Party. Not
only organization formed in city but also in villages.
Spirit of fighting was high. They emulated to form new parties according
Government Announcement that Formed New Parties.
Old group like K.H. Umar Nasir from
Candi, Karanganyar and K.H. Makmur from Tejasari followed their people to fight
in battlefield.
Not only man but also woman who set their stocks and sent some food and
clothes in battlefields. Villages who still saved their stocks rice, gave their
stocks to KNI Kebumen for war stocks.
Since November 1945, meeting and
ceremony must pray for the heroes. Audience scream “Freedom” at before and
after the meeting.
Thats time seems spirit to unity as
Indonesia. They didn’t seem their job, rich or poor, their organization or
party, and and their faith was tight relationship.
Fighting in Ambarawa was outbreak
on November 21, 1945. The beginning of
the fighting was English land in Semarang lead Brigadier General Bethel on October 20, 1945. Early of their landing,
they greet with good respond from Semarang people. The people knew their coming
to manage the Japan prisoner and disarmed
their weapon in Central Java. Governor of Central Java oferred feed and other
necessary. English promise that they wouldn’t distur Indonesia sovereignty. In
fact, they infringe their promising. They came with NICA to colonize our nation
After discussion between Soekarno
and Brigadier General Bethel left Magelang to Ambarawa Stealthy.
Kedu Regiment leads Lieutenant
Colonel M. Sarbini pursued them. Their movement stopped in Jambu because stopped
by Angkatan Moeda leads Sastrodihardjo
and got support from Amabarawa, Suruh, and Surakarta.
English army defended by Battalion I
Surjosumpeno in Ngipik. English dominated two villages in Ambarawa. Lieutenant
Colonel Isdiman from Banyumas Regiment killed in action at this fighting.
Colonel Sudirman came and rise the
sprit of people. Coordination between commander was increase. Support from
Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Salatiga, Purwokerto, Magelang, and Semarang came.
November 23, 1945, Indonesia army attacked together. After Fought for
Four days, we could drive away English from Ambarawa. They back to Semarang.
December 18, 1945, government instruck Colonel Sudirman as Great
Commander of TKR and gave a title General. As Staff Chairman was Oerip
Soemohardjo with a tittle Leutenant General.
From BKR/TKR Kebumen were sent two Battalion. There were Battalion 62
Gombong and Battalion 64 Kebumen. From struggle organizations there were
Hizbullah, AMBI, IPPI which changed to Student Soldier, BPRI, Laskar Rakyat,
and Women Association.
There were 2 person who killed in
action. They were Muzaqi from Kauman
Gombong and one from Kebumen. Their
corpse were resided in Kauman Mosque Kebumen. The leder of parying was Kyai
Tejasari and Inspector of Ceremony was Major Sudrajat.
In the early 1946, some villages act demonstration. Their claim got
pocitive responding. On January 13, 1946,
KNI Kebumen held Plenary Meeting and provided decisions :
- Propose the changing land of village chief.
- Found a committee to inspected village reformation in other Regent.
- Every time to commemorating Independence Day, hold training war.
- Formed A Reformation Committee of Village Chief as member were Pamong, KNI Kebumen, other organization.
- Decide Danger Sign like :
a. Ready : beat
the kentong three times (000 0 0 0 000 …
000 0 0 0 ……)
b. Awake
: Kentong pincang (000,000,000….)
c. Be Careful : Kentong titir
d. Secure : Kentong
pincang two-one (000,000,000,000……)
Now kentongan use infrequently. We use modern
communication set. In the past, every house had kentongan who it hang in front
of home.
If someone beat kentongan safe sign at midnight,
everybody greet them. If happened stealing, kentongan bet four times, and then
everybody walk out from their house.
During the time, the situation in Jakarta was
worry. Holland soldiers dominate and do terrorizing. They land in Tanjung Priok
on December 30, 1945 and the situation
more worry. Seem the situation, Prcident Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta emigrated
to Yogyakarta. Then, the capital Jakarta also moved to Yogyakarta. That’s occur
on January 4, 1946. But the
Primeminister Sutan Sjahrir in Jakarta regurarly.
On January, in Kebumen was found National Party
of Indonesia ( PNI ). Radio Organisation ( BOR ) was founded with the
trasmitter locate now in BRI Kebumen building.
In February 1946 didn’t occur special events.
On March 3, 1946, KNI Kebumen hold
Plenary Meeting. Its important decision was founding the People Representation
Kebumen of Organization ( BPRK ). Next month, on April 4, 1946 , BPRK ran the first Plenary
Meeting. The member were 8 persons from delegation of organization, 26 persons
from delegation of party, and 22 persons from subdistricts.
On April 28, 1946,
ran Great Meeting in Kebumen town square. That’s meeting was attended Suteguh
and Wardoyo delegation from Center BPRI. Kebumen people respond that’s meeting.
The people from Kebumen attended to town square. They brought weapons whose
they have ; javelin, creese, sharp bamboo, and hoe. At that’s time, Wardoyo analize Joyoboyo prediction.
Spirit from people to defended our country was on fire.
That’s month, President Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta
arrived Kebumen. Greeting from people was great. People stand at edge of road
which was through by two leader. Screaming for freedom colud hear by everybody.
Suddenly, it was rained. Although rained, people stood regularly. But they were
Precident Soekarno and Vice Precident Mohammad Hatta
through away from open veranda when the rained was drizzling but they were
listened wisdomly.
After Maghrib prayer, Precident Soekarno and
Vice Precident Mohammad Hatta gave their lecture in terrace of Great Mosque
Kauman Kebumen.
In Mei 1946, was ran explaining jointly in
Kebumen about the Obligation 1946.
The Obligation 1946 or National Loan get good respond
from people. Everybody sold their goods cheap to bought that’s obligation. But
they were upset. They get loss greatly caused the currency was decrease. Much
people had saved their money but they couldn’t receive the obligation letter.
In Mei 1946, some people from West Java came to
Kebumen. The price of daily necessary was higher than before was high.
Those people mainly added Kebumen population.
That’s mainly demanding from people was
increase. If demanding was increase, and a number of goods steady, so the price
became more expensive.
Realize that the economical situation
complicated, cooperation when Japan occupation named Nogyo Kumiai found again.
This name changed as Gabungan Rukun Tani.
When Japan occupation, people were commanded for donated
their paddy in cooperation. That’s cooperation named Nogyo Kumiai. Sumarsono as
Chairman commanded to donated only half after permitted with Resident. At war,
that’s paddys were used for war necessary.
On June, was executed persuade action for people to donated
their paddy. That’s paddy gathered as national and then was donated for
India’s government who their people was
in danger with hunger. In this case, Indonesia’s government went through
Primeminister Sutan Sjahrir promised aid
500.000 tons of hulled rice for India’s
Indonesia and India same ex-occupation. They are Asian.
As a neighbour they must support proper. That
support was barter or goods
changed with goods. Our country gave hulled rice and India’s Government paid
with yarn twilled, agriculture tools, car tire, and medicine.
On next month, in Juli 1946, in subdistricts formed an
institute named Addition Public Knowledge ( PPO ). PPO function give knowledge for villager chif and member Representation
Village Organization.
On Agustus
17, 1946 was the first Independence Day of Indonesia was merry. But The
economical situation not easily, that’s commemorate people didn’t use their
money wastefully. In fact that, people doubtful why since freedom they still
The economic situation was loss. In September
1946 was ran giving clothes for people, mainly for people who had donated his
paddys to help India. That’s time, daily necessary more and more scarce.
Although were, the price was most expensive.
That situation added by coming people from West Java. People were
worry. People heard news will be valid
Currency Republic of Indonesia ( ORI ). Because that, everybody came to
subdistrict office to pay in Japan currency. Japanese currency in future
changed with ORI. But, half of rich man, mainly stayed in village were doubtful
to deposit their Japan currency.
At the beginning
Ocober 26, 1946 was be valid decisions fifty rupiahs of Japanese
currency changed with one rupiahs of ORI.
When closed the day which be valid ORI the goods
price became hesitant. Thus situation, the small merchant have never felt
happy. They got gain so much. But, their glad only a moment. Japan money which
had collected had stated not valid to paid in Setter Committee was refused
because came later. They felt disappointment. In fact that, some people were
stupid and suddenly be sick and the end were died. They felt disappointment,
thousands of their money which drew Gatotkaca, Arjuna, the other were group,
and then were burnt.
ORI begin circulated. Every body got Rp 1,00 ( one
rupiahs ) from government. Every family got part 50 cent. When the price was
low, they use one or two cent only to sufficient daily necessary.
But, merchant felt doubtful. In fact that, they didn’t
wanted because didn’t know really between necessary and money. They admit that
they didn’t have their goods to didn’t urge by customers. They wish didn’t great loss. After government settled, market
busy again.
Thus situation, traders who they were clever
could accept much money. The good they had were sold and got much money
earliest which high valid.
Money from government was little and in the end didn’t
have stocks. But, Japanese money which had paid in didn’t change with ORI. ORI
which they had still now was allotment from government. People life were worst.
Merchant who could collect ORI could continue to trade.
They got gain so much because their competitor were little. Much of them
felt disappointed and doubtful. Japanese
money which still have them and had invalid they stuck in the wall to felt thei
On November 1946, Publik Prosecutor of Republic
Indonesia, Mr. Kasman Singodimedjo visited Kebumen, in Solomangu. This area was
the center of Moslem Association ( AOI ). This coming mainly to gave explaining
about state life for AOI sympathizer who they came from all subdistrict in
Kebumen. On November 10, 1946, was hold
commemorate Heroes Day for the first. Another ceremony, also ran pilgrimage
grave of heroes. That’s time , heroes grave in public grave.
Sunday. The sky was blue pure. On
10 November ran an agreement
between Indonesia government and General Commision of Netherland lead
Lord Killearn in Linggajati, Cirebon. The agreement provided agreement and then
signed by two delegation on November 15,1945.
The decions were :
confess de facto to Republic of Indonesia with area Sumatra, Jawa
Madura. Netherland might go out that’s areas at last Januari 1, 1949.
Republic of Indonesia and Netherland joined to formed
Federal Country of Indonesia with the name Federal Republic of Indonesia and
one part Republic of Indonesia.
Federal Republic of Indonesia and Netherland joined to
formed Indonesia-Netherland Union.
Some people supported this agreement
but some refused. Same attitude in Kebumen. Some Kebumen people supported and
some refused with their propaganda. Propaganda acting or campaign they did by meeting or closed everybody.
In December 1946 in Kebumen formed
Fighting Inspectorate Bureau. Then its formed in subdistricts. Then Fighting
Inspectorate Bureau changed to Society National Soldiers of Indonesia.
What is the Society National Soldiers of Indonesia ? On Agustus 22, 1945, Committee of Indonesia
Independence Preparation ( PPKI ) and decided would formed People Security of
Organization ( BKR ). The member of BKR were retired members Peta, Heiho,
Keisatsuai ( Police ), Seinendan, and Keibeondan. Then, Government formed People
Security of Soldiers ( TKR ). Some of them were retrired member BKR. They who
didn’t accept as TKR back to their organization before. They were Society
Security of Soldiers. They who joined were Hezbollah, GPII, Laskar Rakyat, AOI,
and Laskar Merah.
Amid the dominant role of Kebumen
Youth there grows and develops the struggle troops and bodies as the response
to revolution age. The most prominent struggle troops and bodies include:
Kebumen Youth (Angkatan Muda Kebumen), Indonesian National Committee ( KNI )
and Islamic Community Force ( AOI ). It was this struggle troops and bodies
that became the frontline struggler in resisting the Dutch soldier’s attack.
The first Dutch military aggression was faced by Kebumen people by establishing
such people defense bodies as People Defense Committee of Regency Kebumen ( PPRDK
). In the first Dutch military aggression time many battle events occurred
including Karanggayam, Sidobunder battles and Kanodade event in village Candi.
Meanwhile during the second Dutch military aggression, the Regency Kebumen’s
government followed instruction issued by the Java Command Headquarter. The
instruction of guerrilla battle was done in Kebumen by involving the people as
the village fence. In addition, the logistic centers were also built in Kebumen
in the form of public kitchens. The locations of public kitchen included
Buayan, Ayah, Rowokele, Gombong and Sempor. The role of logistic in Kebumen is
very important for the independence struggle in Kebumen. The logistic support
usually derived from the areas adjacent to the battle arena. With the logistic
support, the soldiers’ morale was maintained to keep struggling in the
In Bali, at Denpasar Conference
began December 18 – 24 , 1946, Netherland with Van Mook idea to broke
Indonesia succeed compel wishes to found
Country of East Indonesia.
In January 1947 occur fighting five
days five night in Palembang. This fighting began January 1, 1947. Because it, one five
Palembang city was broken.
Great Fighting also occur in Cirebon
on January 5, 1947. Because that’s
fighting, Sjip Force named Gadjag Mada was sank because shooted by Netherland ship
Mei 4, 1947, occurred event which weren’t hope by us. Soeria Kartalegawa
proclamated Pasundan State in Bandung town
square. People heard this news and felt disappointed.
Government trough instances, were
helped by young organization and politic party did explaining for society about
Indonesia Proclamation was whole and completely.
People was suggested to remembered
and careful. Didn’t follow the persuading from Netherland caused this state was
In fact that, on Mei 9, 1947 founded again Doll Country
planned Van Mook. That was Special Area of West Borneo. Sultan Hamid Algadrio II became a Governor in this area.
Mei 27, 1947, Netherland sent ultimatum note and might be replied by Republic of Indonesia
government until fourteen days.
decisions from that note :
- Formed governing ad interim together.
- Released money together and found institute of foreign exchange together.
- Republic of Indonesia might supported rice for area which occupated by Netherland.
- Executed security and public order, include areas of Indonesia which need supporting from Netherland.
- Held evaluate about export and import.
Kebumen people refused, and
Indonesia society too. Thus did preparing to faced the worst chance. People who
refused and agreed with Linggajati agreement united. In Kebumen formed instance
to organized defense strategy. This
instance named Instance Cordinate
June 3, 1947, according instruction and guideline from Army Headquarters,
all areas in Kebumen were prepared to faced chance.
Civil government prepare their
important archives. If the situation compulsize, important buildings would be
burnt. A few big bridge were exploded by trackbomb. Feed were prepared to moved
from city. A few road were dug made many holes. Big trees cut half part in side
of street. While the enemy would come, that’s trees were cut to accros in the
street to made difficult for Netherland travel. The aim was made slow moving enemies.
Great Instance of Train office in
Van Der Wijck Fortress was moved to Tunjungseto, Sempor. Soldiers from
Battalion 6 Gombong, Student Soldiers, National Police, Police Army soldiers
TNI retired Strugle Instance prepared so hard to faced great fighting.
The strength soldiers who
concentrated in Gombong that’s time like as Battalion 62, Resimen X Division
III leads Major Panoejoe, Kaderschool leads Colonel Samijo, and Sukaswo, as
Inspector Infantry leads Didi Kartasasmita, same troops with Students Army
leads David, TNI Soldiers from BPRI, Pesindo, Hezbollah, etc.
Seem from side of numbers was so
much. But we have many weapons which not eough and not modern. Though enemy who
would be faced had modern and completely weapons.
Our troops immediately avoid a
fighting frontally, was face to face. Other strategy was burnt if our situation
was compulsory. So, before back, they might burn important buildings.
They might burn important buildings, Netherland didn’t
use by enemies. On July 21, 1947, Netherland attacked together on areas which
was had Republic of Indonesia. That’s attacked we knew as Netherland Military
Aggression I. We called as the beginning of beginning of the Maintaining
Independence War.
Java Island was attacked by enemy
with completely weapon and modern weapon. The troops are arranged by three
division. To dominated Sumatera, Netherland submitted three brigade. They were
tasked to attacked Java Island, and two division are summon in West Java. One
of all continued attacking Central Java. One division fought in West Java.
To faced attacking of Netherland,
TNI in Gombong placed post points which had certained. As up head was the
border of Banyumas District and Kedu District. That’s line through from north
to south at the left and the right of Ijo Railway station.
Ijo Station was strateghys to stopped Netherland. The Troops who placed at Ijo Railway
Station was Battalion 62, Reciment XX Division III, National Police, and
Student Army. Other soldiers burnt building, prevented people tent, and prevented
government office if our defence line in Ijo can be through by enemy. Major
Panoejoe of Commander of Battalion 62 set
the TNI in Ijo as :
Compy III lead Lettu Sutjipto placed at the border in
Ijo which as the border Banyumas District and Kedu District.
Section I Compy I lead Letda Soetrisno placed at road.
Section I Compy II lead Letda Soemardjo placed railway.
Section II Compy III lead Serma Hadiprayitno placed the
south area of the Ijo Railway Station.
Section III Compy III lead Serma Soemarmo guard the Ijo
Railway Cave.
The Soldiers from struggle association placed posts in
the south of Ijo Railway Station which through from the north to the south.
Compy IV lead Lettu Slamet placed the second defence
line which posted at Palemahan Bridge in the west of Gombong with two section.
They had tasked to exploded that bridge if we were attacked by enemy.
On Agustus 4,
1947 at 16.00 Netherland Army moved to included Kebumen from the west. They
walk with the metaly vehicle and the
tank which prevent by aeroplane.
Fighting was happen.
The shoting of their weapons coul heard. With the fully army, our army
could defend them. If they faced directly, it was dangerous. After 3 hours, the
enemy arrived in Gombong. Our troops were back to Karanggayam to made a new
On August 5, 1947, The Chinese in Gombong were tent to
Karanganyar. But the Chinese in Kebumen were tent to Wonosobo.
The same with their planning before because our
defending was through by enemy, so the
building in Gombong was burnt. The Tembono Bridge which through pass on the
Lukulo River was explode.
When occur fighting in Magelang and Ambarawa, we
supported them with soldiers. That’s fighting between Indonesia and Netherland.
If our defending was through passed, they would reach the next area and they
would dominate all area in Indonesia. This caused Indonesian people had
symphatized that fighting in that city. Supported arrived from Maluku was
Indonesia Maluku Youth and Student Army of Sulawesi.
After occupated Gombong, Netherland army robbed people
wealthy. They compulsed people who didn’t go to tend to wore red-white-blue
clothes. Many womans were picked up with the truck or other vehicle. They were
unknewn. Netherland also caught youth man and kyai. They who refused would be
tyranny. And Netherland would killed them. One of them was killed was Wero
Village Chif, Gombong. Netherland compulsed to their society to sent 500 person
to work airport. This cause the villagechiff who uncomprome through away with
Netherland. The Villagechiff of Gombong through away from Gombong to the north
mountains in Sempor and then would be around to Kebumen.
military groups of people, in the region such as Kebumen accompanied by the
occurrence of events with heroic effort. Maintain the independence of Indonesia.
The events include :
incident occurred on August 19, 1947 preceded by invasion Netherland troops of
Battalion 62 based in the area Kajoran, Karanggayam, Kebumen. Warrior of the
people and soldiers fought together to face the Netherland troops who come and
carry out attacks. Evidence of these events and also as a tribute to struggler
who die. This event is the establishment of the monument Purangga (Battle Monument
Students and
Sidobunder Monument
battle occurred on September 2, 1947, this battle occurred in Sidobunder village
, District Puring, this Kebumen swallow about 36 people killed. Apart from
involve the army and paramilitary. People, events Sidobunder also involves a
group of student army imported from other regions of Yogya, Semarang, Solo, and
event also known as the Candi events that occurred in Candi Village, District
Karanganyar Kebumen. In military aggression
also known as the Clash I, the Dutch troops forced. Candi villages with
weapons cannons on October 19, 1947. This incident lost the lives of about 786
people where the majority of victims were civil. The number of civil casualt
caused by canon attacked was carried out in the civil area in the village
market or Candi Market . Kebumen peoples struggle to maintain independence
through armed resistance is interesting topic to write about because the
Kebumen area is front in the struggle to maintain independence. Determination
Kebumen as the forefront of the battle can be seen in the agreement and the
Renville agreement Linggarjati where Kebumen set as the boundary region between
the Netherlands and the Republic of Indonesia territory. Kebumen area also made
bag for the Republic army comes from the West Java region, so that the area is
a place Kebumen a strategic sangt for Republican power in confronting the
mobility Netherland troops for control of Yogyakarta. The theme of the writing
military history, especially the war of in dependencein Local areas are
expected to explain important role society.
Offices in Kebumen evacuate the
importance of archives to the village Tanuharjo Alian District. The young
Chinese who did not evacuate the Netherland chose to accept the offer. They are
then trained in the skills and knowledge of the military and utilized to joined
Netherland troops. Although it
succeeded in occupying the town Gombong, the Netherlands can not feel secure
because our troops are waging guerrilla war. Thats why more eager to help
patrol the Netherlands. On August 7, 1947, the Dutch patrol to the south up to
the district Puring. Next day, they move from district to district Adimulyo
Kuwarasan then returned to Gombong. Patrol activities of this kind is not only
done in the daytime, but also carried out at night.
On August 9, 1947, the Netherland city
attacked with projectile from Gombong to Karanganyar. The
shot was incessant. While shooting to them
move closer Karanganyar. Of course our troops do not stay silent. Our
troops do resistance . At end persistent, the Netherlands can be driven back again
to Gombong. On August 13, 1947, the Dutch returned to attack Karanganyar. They even managed to attack
and advanced up to distance of 2
kilometers from the town of Karanganyar. The Netherlands also held the attack
to the north, to the area Rondokeli. However, that obstacle can be easily
removed by Dutch troops.On August 14, 1947, a Dutch company soldiers seen on
Mount Batur.
The Mountain is one kilometer to the northwest Karanganyar. Meanwhile, the
planes were circling for about a half hour. The sound of roaring engines create
a panic atmosphere. However, finally they did not do shooting on that day.
Meanwhile in Kebumen, the Regional People's Defense committee formed
Kebumen (PPRDK). Its chairman is held by the Regent Kebumen, Sujono. PPRDK duty
explained the wheels of government due to the chaotic atmosphere of war.
On August 15, 1947 Chinese citizens residing in Wonosoro requested permission
to move to Yogyakarta. The request was granted by the Government Kebumen, because
was not safe conditions.
Dutch soldiers in patrolling regularly in Gombong down to the villages. It
makes people feel unsafe and uncomfortable. That is why every day, it show a
lot of people are displaced. They flocked to
area which was controlled by the
army fighters in eastern Gombong. At the time of the Dutch soldiers patrolling not
hesitate to shoted bullets. Sometimes for no apparent reason they attacked
villages with mortar shell. The result, many people were died.
In war situation sometimes funny events. On August 9, 1947 at
same time with Friday, Pon, a Dutch soldier with the power of the army
headquarters to explain Battalion fighters who based in the village of Kajoran,
Karanganyar District. Headquarters is the position of Battalion 62 led by Major
Dutch troops out from Fort Van Der Wijck Gombong lead to north through the
village Sidayu, and Kenteng. More, they infiltrate the Karanggayam area. They divided themselves into
several unit. Defense Post us at Mountain Village At headquarters Tutukan and
fighters who are in the Village Kalipancar Kajoran besieged by Dutch troops.
Starting at 05.00 Dutch soldiers attacked defense post with shots. We try
hard to fight back. That followed an great
fight until 10:00 WIB. Finally struggler army urgency, then retreated to
Kalipancar. At Mount Dutch army had occupated from through entering the Company reserved Pejaten.
Meanwhile other Dutch troops who are in the cemetery Pamekas did not know that
the mountain had been controlled by their colleagues. They thought that the
army fighters still survived in that place. They also carry out attacks.
Therefore attacked Dutch troops who have mastered mountain at the same time resistance.
The result was a fierce battle between them.
On August 18, 1947 Dutch carry out attacks on many targets. At dawn they
attacked the village such as Walyurejo Village and Purwosari Village. At that
time about 160 members of AOI had been conducted dawn prayers. As a result of
the attack was a resident died and seven people were injured. It also damaged
three houses. A few hours later, precisely at 7:00, they gave up in the area
Puring and Karanganyar. Dutch war planes fired Petaruhan areas within 4 miles
of Puring. Apart from being attacked by the Dutch in Puring of Karangbolong and
Sukolilo. Dutch was not only attacked with
planes, but also by using the cannon. Target of their attacks not only fighter
basesbut also houses in village were subject to their attacked. The result,six people
BPRI Kebumen Headquarters was also hit by the Dutch attack. Headquarters
BPRI Kebumen fired upon by the Dutch from the air with war planes In
Karanganyar, the Netherlands shot a passing civil car on the highway.
Passengers and the driver died immediately.
Tension continued to rise. Deliveries continuing to be good soldiers of the
army, ranks of the people, or police. Kitchens struggle was also established.
Police force was also formed. The search was also did carefully, because not a
few between our nation became the Netherland spy. They want to help the Netherland
because they are rewarded so much. Meanwhile, if the fighters did not benefit
from the material. Even should blazing time, energy, property, and his soul, they
dubbed it to Dutch
They are also called Dogs of NICA, traitors, and various other bad name.
In September 1947 Dutch troops are stationed in Gombong increasingly rampancy.
Patrol activities they did every day to ask victims of human and property. It
makes people fear. It cause wave displacement becomes increasingly widen.
On 3 September 1947 Puring occupated Netherland. From Puring,
then the Netherlands carry out attacks on Kewangunan, Petanahan District.
Luckily we managed to return them.
In the face of resistance from the
fighters, the Netherlands was not ashamed to use sneaky way of committing
fraud. In early September, the Netherlands announced that Gombong will receive
great guest. He was the King of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and the
King of Surakarta, Sri Sunan.
On 8 September 1947 people lined up between Wero Gombong, which
now in Jalan Yos Sudarso . They had been prepared since morning. At around
09:30 notified that the guest has been waiting for has arrived. Sri Sunan and Sri
Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX out from the car. Both were dressed in royal clothes.
They were greeted with an official ceremony. They were accompanied by civilian
and military officials. On that occasion the Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and Sri
Sunan commanded people to submit to the Netherlands. They also announced that
the Sultan of Yogyakarta and Surakarta royal palace had surrendered on the
They said that Bung Karno once we consider to be the Father of the People now no long in powerfull in Java. But was known that the kings are false. After speech, both heading for home builders and then transported overland by car from Gombong.
They said that Bung Karno once we consider to be the Father of the People now no long in powerfull in Java. But was known that the kings are false. After speech, both heading for home builders and then transported overland by car from Gombong.
Sidobunder Event
Sidobunder is the
name of a village in the district Puring. At the time the house of Mr Ponco
Sidobunder who is now an Elementary School was chosen as the Defense Pos.
Soldiers stationed at the post Student Section 321 of Company 320 Battalion
300. Commander section is Anggoro. That section reinforce other forces that
powered a team, including the Republic of Indonesia Lined Rebellion(BPRI). Students Army called
TP because its members were from Junior High School students and Senior High School.
Among them were the Associatuion of Student Sulawesi ( PERPIS ) and several members of the
Students Army of Purworejo. In that battle that killed fighters Sidobunder about
Many newspapers fell much one described in the next division .
Dutch troops deployed in West Java Central Java was tasked to master. We did
ambush troops in the border region and Residency Banyumas and Residency Kedu.
In front of the posts were set up defenses, including Sidobunder. In the post
Sidobunder village was placed troops from Section 321, the Students 'Army of
Sulawesi, the Students Army Purworejo.
On 1 September 1947, after their
overnight Sidobunder, they learned that the Dutch troops in Karangbolong
concentration. Members of PERPIS named Losung along with three companions was
given a task for spying on the Netherlands. On site, all four member of the
Students Army teenager and old was suddenly opened fight on that Dutch army.
Without doing shots reply, Dutch soldiers ran toward the base.
On September 2, 1947, the Dutch Sidobunder showered with
bullets. They were shooting from all directions. Section Commander 321
commanded his men to escape to the east. There are moving through the streets.
Others there are in the north road and the other on the south road. However
unfortunate for them. Area that they are headed ion the east was already occupated
Netherland. They like walking into a trap so, many of the Netherlands was
shotdead.At that time the position of our troops getting desperate. Our defense
shifted to the east
On October 19, 1947, the Dutch
attacked the Village Candi in Karanganyar District. They placed three cannon in
the Village Kalitengah District Gombong. Guns spewed at least 500 rounds into
the Candi village incidentally it was the day of market, so many people are
being sold and bought in the market became targeted. At least 100 people died.
Among the dead were five policemen and a mother who was heavily pregnant. In
the afternoon the victim was rushed to the Hospital Kebumen. Netherlands really
The Netherlands continued to do
pressure. Kebumen City attacked by
planes. Every day the plane flew over the Kebumen city. People felt panic. Therefore, they are then asked to government
to evacuated. The prisoners who are in Prison Kebumen evacuated to Purworejo.
Tumenggungan market, the biggest market in Kebumen closed. On October 22, 1947,
service bureau or agencies transferred to Prembun. Only staff and leadership
are temporarily fixed in Kebumen. PPRDK Center ( Regional People's Defence
Committee Kebumen) moved to Kutowinangun. Kebumen as if into town because soldiers
who lived there most ofthesoldiers.
At that time many people are
displaced. Some were carrying children who were sick and crying. Some are
carrying goods that could be taken. There is also a mother who was heavily
pregnant. Their faces looked lethargic. They then boarded in the homes of
residents who want to accommodate. They ate only from the mercy of those who
sold out after his lunch.
At that time Sruweng Dutch patrol area. While the party we held an action
of people power in the entire district Kebumen for defense purpose. They are
prepared to do scorched movements and
making the holes trap on the road.
To oversaw the implementation stopping shooting and look for a
peaceful settlement, the Council established the Commission Security UN or
Good Offices Commission came to be called Three State Comission ( KTN ).
Called the Three Satte Comission
consists of three members of the State. Australia was states elected by
Indonesia. Netherlands chosed Belgium. Australia and Belgium choised the United States.
On October 27, 1947 KTN arrived in Jakarta.. Then,
they conducted survei through Indonesia, including Kebumen.
That month, also lead by Dr. Gobed Mustopo came to Kebumen to help the defense. Entering the month of November 1947, Kebumen like a ghost town. The atmosphere is very quiet because most of the population had been displaced. Which only passed by soldiers and fighters. The economic situation at that time very difficult. Price of goods was soared. Money Value of the Republic of Indonesia continued decline. Besides the expensive goods is very difficult to obtain. Many of these items are taken to areas which controlled by the Dutch. Illegal traders coin more and more happened. Many people who suffered were the workers and clerks. While the population of the coast such as in Ambal and Mirit even find new live hood to increase income. They used sea water to make salt.
That month, also lead by Dr. Gobed Mustopo came to Kebumen to help the defense. Entering the month of November 1947, Kebumen like a ghost town. The atmosphere is very quiet because most of the population had been displaced. Which only passed by soldiers and fighters. The economic situation at that time very difficult. Price of goods was soared. Money Value of the Republic of Indonesia continued decline. Besides the expensive goods is very difficult to obtain. Many of these items are taken to areas which controlled by the Dutch. Illegal traders coin more and more happened. Many people who suffered were the workers and clerks. While the population of the coast such as in Ambal and Mirit even find new live hood to increase income. They used sea water to make salt.
They work to make salt at that time.
The activities called Cirat. How to make it very simple. They soaked a piece of
land with sea sand sometime. After dry, sand was washed. Proficiency level of
excess water and then wash bowl accommodated using a bowl from clay and brought
to home. At home, the water in the vat are boiled until the salt.
The work occupated most of the population
there. Men, women, old and young in the morning flocked to the sea and in the
afternoon walked home hand in hand with a barrels containing cider salt water
until late at night.
At that time the population of artificial salt Ambal and Mirit
great demand for good quality. The price is afford . Because income from making
salt is higher, many people who leave their farm. The result, many fields and
yards are not maintained. Too many trees are felled to be used for firewood.
In resolving the dispute between Indonesia
and the Netherlands, KTN pursue negotiations. Negotiations conducted earlier
expected to be a basic or acted at the next negotiations. In military matters
KTN can take the initiative act, but a political problem in KTN could
give suggestions. Problem for a negotiation where could becomes a problem. An example was the
negotiations initiated by KTN. Netherlands proposes Jakarta as the place, but
was rejected by Indonesia. Indonesia wanted a place outside the Jakarta territory
because might be influenced by the
Dutch. At the suggestion of KTN finally talks held on board the carrier naval
forces of the United States named USS Renville.
Before that, the
Government of the Republic of Indonesia established a Special Committee headed
by Dr. Leimena to discuss military issues. On the Dutch side's technical
commission lead by Van Vredenburgh. Through cordinated meeting was held KTN
approach, but a stalemate. Indonesia asked Netherlands to restore the areas it occupated
the Republic of Indonesia since August 1, 1947. Jakarta must be returned to the
status before aggression. But the request was rejected by the Dutch.
Finally, the
negotiations held on December 8, 1947 Renville located on the ship was anchored
in the Bay of Jakarta. The Indonesian delegation was led by Mr. Amir
Syarifuddin while the Dutch delegation was led by R. Abdulkadir Wijoyoatmodjo
Indonesia but who was the defending Dutch interests.
After held a series
of talks, sides finally able to accept
suggestion from KTN that the subjects are as follows:
1. Immediately issued orders cease fire along the lines of van Mook.
2. Cease fire
agreement was followed by the laying of arms and the formation of empty areas
of the military.
Negotiations continued and finally reached an agreement. Approval was then known by the name of the Renville Agreement.
Negotiations continued and finally reached an agreement. Approval was then known by the name of the Renville Agreement.
Kebumen situation in
1948 is shooting though diminished. On
January 12, 1948 set limit or line of demarcation (status quo) along the River
to the east Gombong, Kemit. Approval of the agreed ceasefire. Dutch troops in
the east river to Gombong Kemit withdrawn. Each party to keep the line of
demarcation is.
Status Quo
It should be, but
another reality. Although there was an agreement for a ceasefire, an exchange
of shooting continued to occur. Robbery was rampant.
Chaos is not just happening in
Kebumen but in other areas of similar events that ensued, especially in the
border area between the Dutch-controlled territory and thats territory held by
the Republic of Indonesia. So, KTN in charge of handling the dispute between
Indonesia and Netherlands practiced helpless.
As with any agreement Linggarjati, Renville Agreement any
responses to different people. There were agreed, there was a reject. Indeed, the
agreement was put Indonesia's position in increasingly difficult position.
Indonesia region increasingly narrow and confined by areas controlled by Dutch.
The difficulty is still more difficult again due to a tight economic blockade
by Dutch.
Efforts continue to be divisive politics by the Dutch. In January 1948, the Dutch established a new puppet state again that the State of Madura. As the mayor was chosen R.A.A.Tjakraningrat.
Efforts continue to be divisive politics by the Dutch. In January 1948, the Dutch established a new puppet state again that the State of Madura. As the mayor was chosen R.A.A.Tjakraningrat.
On February 1, 1948 with the intention of obeying the contents
of the Renville Agreement, the military began to leave the guerrilla area. of
West Java, about 35 000 members of the Division of Siliwangi must hijra to
Central Java. They are transported by sea using the ship through the port of
Cirebon. While land-based forces are collected in Pajarukan, Cirebon, and then
transported by train to take to Gombong and subsequently forwarded to
February 16, 1948 the agencies who are in refugee camps came back to Kebumen.
That month also there Eradication Literacy Movement. In Sub-district Community
Education Committee was formed and held a Cadre Training for the eradication of
Meanwhile, the manufacture of salt in the Ambal and Mirit increasingly widespread. Consequently, the need woods increased steadily.
Meanwhile, the manufacture of salt in the Ambal and Mirit increasingly widespread. Consequently, the need woods increased steadily.
Region Kemit river was an area controlled by the Dutch. In the area, the Dutch
form of civil government and form a police and special forces made up of people
of Chinese descent. Police were later known as the Detasement Politie ( DP )
and troops of the Chinese people called the Pao An Tui ( PAT ). In Gombong, Po
An Tui powered 100. Headquarters in Jalan Bojong.
In the month in March 1948 conducted enlightened about the plebiscite. Illumination was carried out by organizations, agencies, and the TNI.
In the month in March 1948 conducted enlightened about the plebiscite. Illumination was carried out by organizations, agencies, and the TNI.
was voting in general in region to
determine the status of that area were good. Defense Ministry official fielded
to the occupated areas, ranging from Gombong to Banjar and Bumiayu. Addition to
providing illumination, they also give money ORI with picture President
Sukarno. In the implementation of the plebiscite, the people who can show the
money ORI considered siding with Indonesia. Instead residents who could show
NICA money or money to the Dutch side are considered red. But the
plebiscite is not to be implemented.
In March in Kebumen formed People's Defence Committee ( PPR) which is the coordinating body. PPRDK down into subdistricts to conduct training on governance for village leaders and youth.
In March in Kebumen formed People's Defence Committee ( PPR) which is the coordinating body. PPRDK down into subdistricts to conduct training on governance for village leaders and youth.
Tembono bridge that
crossed over the River Lukulo been blow up to hinder the movement of enemy
troops on Military Aggression I. As result of the traffic lane and headed
Kebumen with areas west of the River Lukulo disconnected. With intermediaries
KTN then Dutch and Indonesia agreed on the railway bridge to the Bridge Tembono
utilized for general traffic. Railway bridge was then known as the Renville
As was stated in
advance, that correspond to Renville agreement, then personnel division about 35.000
Siliwangi the guerrillas in West Java had to moved to Central Java. There are
by sea and by land. In May 1948 the troops moved through the land until the
Kebumen. Kebumen formed Hijra Committee.
On Mei 20 every years we celebrates National
Rise. What happen in 1948. Of course the people
commemorate the historic day. At that time his name but not the Day of National
Awake Day In June 1948 clashed between members of the AOI with the Head of the
Village District Gondanglegi, Ambal and his followers. Fortunately finally could
be stop by the police and government.
The problem can be resolved peacefully.
Clashed between residents often we see these days.
We did have to learn to deal with differences. People who have a different
opinion does not mean being our enemy. We must learn to respect others. Every
time there is a difference of opinion among us did the deliberations. Maybe
other people's opinions are better than our opinion with a reasonable excuse.
We must be tolerant. One time of the different opinions could be taken the
middle road, because some of the opinions that each has advantages and
disadvantages. Anyway we must continue to learn to control your emotions and
try not easily influenced by others. If all the citizen to be so, then an
embarrassing clash-clash can be avoided.
On September 18, 1948, the Communist Party of Indonesia ( PKI ) / People's Democratic Front ( FDR ) of treason and rebellion against the Republic of Indonesia did. The rebellion was then known as the Madison event.
Democratic Peoples Front of Socialist Party, Partindo, Labour Party, Communist Party of Indonesia, and SOBSI. Incitement plans, demonstrations, and acts disruption in Solo. They are also the killing of characters who oppose their plans.
On September 18, 1948, the Communist Party of Indonesia ( PKI ) / People's Democratic Front ( FDR ) of treason and rebellion against the Republic of Indonesia did. The rebellion was then known as the Madison event.
Democratic Peoples Front of Socialist Party, Partindo, Labour Party, Communist Party of Indonesia, and SOBSI. Incitement plans, demonstrations, and acts disruption in Solo. They are also the killing of characters who oppose their plans.
One of the influential communist figures are Muso.
He has long been in Moscow, Russia. Back to Indonesia, he advocated a new path
for the PKI. Since then, increased terror activity, even among military units
also pitted. Unity Siliwangi pitted with local units.
In an attempt to master the situation, the Government lifted the Colonel Gatot Subroto as Surakarta Regional Military Governor. Their areas of responsibility include Solo, Semarang, Pati, and Madison.
In an attempt to master the situation, the Government lifted the Colonel Gatot Subroto as Surakarta Regional Military Governor. Their areas of responsibility include Solo, Semarang, Pati, and Madison.
On 18 September 1948 the Indonesian Communist Party
/ Democratic People's Front capture the city of Madison. They proclamate
founding of the Soviet Republic of Indonesia. The next day they announced it
has formed a new government. In addition to the Communist Party of Indonesia
Madison, PKI also succeeded in forming a new government in Pati.
To overcome the uprising Communist Party of
Indonesia, the government must act quickly and decisively. East Java province
to become a "Special Region". Colonel Sungkono was appointed Military
Governor. At that time appointed military governor. At that time the Great Commander
General Sudirman was ill. Therefore, the head of Operations handed over to
Colonel AH crackdown. Nasution, Java Command Headquarters Commander.
At that time the majority of troops to guard the
line of demarcation. By deploying two Brigades Union General Reserves Division
and Brigade Soerachman Siliwangi III of East Java as well as other units loyal
to the Republic of Indonesia, the entire rebel force can finally crushed. In
operation, the Muso had been shot dead. Amir Syarifudin and other figures can
be captured and sentenced to death.
In connection with these events, in
other areas, including in Kebumen held cleansing against those who were hostile
to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Cleaning is arranged in such a
way so as not to cause anxiety in the community.
At that time Detention Kebumen be full by political
resistance. Making process will be held against them in November 1948. Those
innocent people released immediately.
In October 1948, Regent Kebumen R. Soedjono replaced
by R. Mohammad. I. Sosrobusono. That month also a lot of counterfeit money
circulating in Kebumen. After investigation finally caught one issuer. He is a
citizen of Chinese descent living in the occupated territories.
On November 17, 1948, the Dutch hold a conference in
Bondowoso, East Java until December 3, 1948. Dutch managed to establish a new
puppet state again. This time it is the State of East Java. As the mayor was
appointed State R.T.P. Achmad Kusumanegara.
On 17 November 1948, Lieutenant General Oerip
Soemohardjo died. He is the founder and leader development foundation stone of
the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia. His body was then buried in the
Heroes Cemetery Semaki, Yogyakarta.
In December 1948, the Military Aggression II
occurred in Yogyakarta. Chaotic situation in the body of the Republic of
Indonesia as a result of the rebellion used by the Dutch to do the pressures.
In every negotiation Dutch propose terms that can not be accepted by Indonesia.
On December 18, 1948, at 23:30, Dr. Beel of the Netherlands informed Indonesia
that the Dutch delegation would not be bound again by the contents of the
Renville Agreement.
The next morning, December 19, 1948, at 06:00 a.m by
the Dutch Military Aggression happen. By using their aircraft directly attacked
the capital of Republic of Indonesia which was then in Yogyakarta ..
Maguwo.dapat airfield seized by the Dutch. Finally, the entire town had been occupated
by the Dutch in Yogyakarta. President, Vice President, and other high officials
captured by the Dutch. President Sukarno was exiled to Prapat. Vice President
Mohammad Hatta was taken to Bangka.
Mr. Syafruddin Prawiranegara who was in Sumatra, was
given the mandate to form the Emergency Government of the Republic of
Indonesia. The whole military force still in the city Yogayakarta ordered to
get out of town and a guerrilla war. Great Commander General Sudirman's
guerrilla deciided to lead despite his illness.
In addition to appoint Mr. Syafruddin Prawiranegara
to lead the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia in Sumatra, the
problem of public administration Implementation of existing agreements between
the TNI and government leaders. Thus, when the Dutch occupated the city of
Yogyakarta and the charming state leaders, ministers, and members KNIP not panic.
Meanwhile , as many as eleven Battalion Division Siliwangi and family, and
other civilians who intend to return when it moved to West Java. They were on
foot. They suffered they experienced on the way. In addition, they also must be
ready to face attacks from the Dutch. Their journey back to West Java known as
the long march.
When the entourage arrived in West Java, they are
confronted by hordes of Darul Islam (DI) with the Army of Islam Indonesia
(TII). The gang was led by Kartosuwiryo. Unless they have to face the
Netherlands. So, after a long tiring journey they must struggle to face the two
enemies at once.
Dutch troops are based in Gombong attacked and broke
into the City Kebumen through two majors. Programs first through railroad, and
the second through the highway. Both were cut in Pejagoan. Instantaneous state
of the city into chaos. Immediately implemented a scorched earth tactics.
Kebumen pavilion burned to charred. All prisoners and detainees who are in
prison Kebumen issued. , Escorted by police they were taken to a safe place. In
Kawedusan, East Kebumen the prisoners were then released to return to their
Government agencies to take immediate action to
evacuate to another area that is safe and continues to perform its functions.
Displacement of the population is very chaotic. Some are moving to the south
and there are to the north. Dutch aircraft often revolve around the above
Kebumen. Of the hundreds of aircraft were broken sheet of paper with an appeal
to residents to remain calm. However, because how could calm the fighting
continued to occur inside and outside the city. Beep series eruption and said
audible thump-answer made the atmosphere more tense.
District government to flee to the Village District
Tanuharjo, Alian. So the command of
Military District which is a military government. However, four days and then
moved again to the village of Kalirancang in the same district.
In the subdistrict Military Government then formed
Onderan (PMO). PMO later renamed the Military Government District (PMKT). That
helped displaced employees volunteered to help PMKT.
At that time the people became increasingly heavy
burden, not only for refugees, but also for residents of the arrival of
refugees. Fortunately their realizing are very high. Residents were forced to
realize that the evacuation was carried out by those who come from the city
because of an unsafe situation. Local residents can accept the presence of
their brethren with open arms. So did the refugees. They are happy to help any
of the local population. Thus from a bad situation can take a good lesson.
Fraternal relations more closely. Feeling kinship and brothership grow in the
hearts of both parties. They also pledged to unite in an effort to maintain independence.
Rural areas who formerly deserted since the arrival
of the refugees became crowded. Narrow streets became crowded with people
milling around.
In January 1949 the government and the people form a
guerrilla army. Army, Police, and agencies struggle conduct guerrilla attacks.
The goal, especially the places that made the Dutch army headquarters. On
January 17, 1949 guerrilla forces succeeded in destroying two trucks and killed
13 Dutch soldiers in Jalan Hose. As a result of the incident, Dutch upset.
They then rained Wonokromo Village Police Headquarters, District Alian. In the
village Wanasari, destroying nine houses Dutch population. Another objective is
the Village Kambangsari and Kawedusan.
On January 28, 1949 the UN Security Council passed a
resolution containing the following things:
1. Cessation of all military operations immediately by the Dutch and the cessation of all guerrilla activity by the Republic. Both sides should work together to make peace again.
2. Liberation immediately and unconditionally all political prisoners by the Dutch Republic in the area since December 19, 1948.
3. The Netherlands must provide an opportunity for the
magistrates of the republic was able to carry out its obligations freely; on
the first level of government in the city of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas,
while the Republican power in the regions of the republic according to the
boundaries of the Renville Agreement is returned to the gradual- gradually to
the Republic.
4. Negotiations will be held in the quickest time basis Linggarjati Agreement, Renville Agreement, and primarily based on the formation of an Ad Interim Federal Government no later than March 15, 1949; Elections to the Council Constitution Makers United States of Indonesia at the slow- its date of July 1, 1949.
5. From now on Good Services Commission ( Commission of the Three Kingdoms ) was renamed the United Nations Commission for Indonesia (United Nation Comision for Indonesia or ( UNCI ) and duties was help launch negotiations to take care of returned authority of the Republic, to observe the election and is entitled make suggestions about the various things that can help children reach completion.
Fighting between the two
warring parties increasingly widespread and exciting. Republican Army using
guerrilla warfare tactics. That strategy turned out to make the Dutch are very
busy. Any attack by the guerrillas we always cause great losses to the Dutch.
It made the Dutch furious. To vent his frustration that they often carry out
attacks continued. As a result many civilians become victims.
Krakal Village, District
Alian showered with bullets canon. Several civilians were killed and homes
On February 25, 1949 Dutch
reconnaissance aircraft circling above Ambal districts. Surveillance activities
that they have done since 1870. The plane was flying low like an eagle about to
pounce on chicks. His voice shook the heavens roared. Soon appeared several
other aircraft. A total of seven pieces, including the bombers. In the seconds
that followed, they opened fire and dropped bombs. Bombs they dropped no less
than 50 bombs. Every time a bomb hits the ground, there was a loud bang
followed by a flash of fire and smoke soaring into the sky. The situation
immediately became very terrible. Residents poured out of their homes. shrieks
and cries sound mournful.
The attack, which lasted
three hours that had resulted in the Command Center's Military Government
ordered items (KDM) and several houses were destroyed. The victim died as many
as 9 people and injured 11 people.
Ambal district capitals
that the days are very busy before turned suddenly quiet. Most of its
population displaced. The houses left empty. They only took with them a bit
because the atmosphere panic. So many treasures left at home. Due to difficulty
finding food, then the theft became rampant. Treasures left behind to flee into
the target.
Maret1949, fierce fighting in the village and surrounding Mirit Bndo District.
The battle began with attacks by guerrilla forces against the Dutch troops on
patrol. Victims who died in the Netherlands is quite a lot. Soldiers who
survived fled to Prembun. Not long after they retaliate attack using cannon
bullets. The bullets they release into the Prembun. As a result, some people
become victims and houses collapsed.
Netherlands increased patrol activity. The region is also more widely accessible. Subdistrict Buluspesantren not escape from their reconnaissance. By using planes they observed region. Soon they dropped the bomb in the southern region districts adjoining the Buluspesantren district and subdistrict Mirit Ambal.
Netherlands increased patrol activity. The region is also more widely accessible. Subdistrict Buluspesantren not escape from their reconnaissance. By using planes they observed region. Soon they dropped the bomb in the southern region districts adjoining the Buluspesantren district and subdistrict Mirit Ambal.
A Canon
On another day a Dutch
aircraft coded R-25 circling above the subdistrict and district Alian and
Sadang . A few minutes later the plane was shot Wonokromo Village, Alian
district, and village in the district Kaligending Sadang. Therefore the three
villages is a refugee shelter, then the panic of the people is extraordinary.
Looking at the less secure atmosphere, eventually Kebumen Government Center
which was originally located in the Village Kalirancang Wadasmalang then moved
to the village. The incident occurred on March 25, 1949.
Meanwhile, to do
helped looking for peace finishing, UNCI
disscuss with the Indonesia leader in Bangka. BFO also sent their delegation to
there. Finally, UNCI can keep Indonesia and Netherland to discussing table. The
delegation from Indonesia was leads by Mr. Mohammad Roem and the leader from Netherland was lead by
Dr. Van Royen. On April 17, 1949 began the first discussing in Jakarta. At the
second discussing, the delegation from
Indonesia membered Drs. Mohammad Hatta
and Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwana. After do
discussing difficultly, finally on May 7, 1949 could get an agreement.
This agreement called as Roem Royen Agreement.
The contents are :
The delegation of Indonesia to got
ready :
Command people who doing guerilla to stop guerilla.
Together in the returning peace and kept order and
Participate in Meja Bunadar Conferention in Den Haag
with purpose to fast giving the true sovereignty
and complete to Indonesia Federal Country with the equipment.
- To agree about coming back Indonesia Government to Yogyakarta.
- Guarantee stopped Military Act and saved all politic prisoner.
- Don’t found or proclaime country which is in Republic of Indonesia before 19 December 1948 and don’t wide country or area which harm the Republic of Indonesia.
- Agree with Republic of Indonesia as subdivided from Federal Country of Indonesia.
- Acted seriously about Meja Bundar Conferention is hold immediately after the Republic of Indonesia Government come back to Yogyakarta.
The result of Roem Royen got hard resistance from all people, TNI and
PDRI. When the agreement was hold, the Leader of War Soldier of Indonesia,
General Soedirman, on Mei 1, 1949, command to the leader and warned didn’t
participate thought the agreement
because got loss the defense and struggle. The commanding Great
General Soedirman and then overed with announcement
from Great Post in Java which command to be carefully although there was
agreements which provide agreement.
Netherland often run against. The prediction from TNI to possibility
attacked from Netherland not wrong. Netherland troops who were put from
Yogyakarta to Surakarta, accidentally their powerful was increased. Even they
attack Indonesias’ soldiers was Brigade 5 who been around there. Therefore, the
command was Lieutenant Colonel Riyadi commanded attacking to main
points in Surakarta.
Inquired, Netherland often attacked areas which they knew that area as
the basis of guerilla. They attacked areas which located around Sruni Market
and Banjaran Village. That attacked was hold through pass land and bring
outside one Battalion. Then, they continued attacking to Prembun.
On July 6, 1949, President Soekarno and Vice President Mohammad Hatta
back to Yogyakarta. After four days, General Soedirman also back to Yogayakarta
after did guerilla for 7 months. At the last guerilla, he must be carried in
palanquin because of sick.
On July 13, 1949, Urgent Government Republic of Indonesia in Bukittingi,
West Sumatera returned the mandated to Central Government in Yogyakarta.
On July 13, 1949, the President as the Highest Commander Force War of
Indonesia, announced about stopping shot. That announcement was broadcasted in
radio. Same command also was said by
Great Commander, General Soedirman. The Highest Commander Force War of
Netherland commanded to their troops to
armistice weapon.
On August 1, 1949, S. Maridjan Kartosoewiryo who called Kartosoewiryo
proclamated founding Islamic Country of Indonesia in Tasikmalaya, West Java.
Kartosoewiryo was the leader of Islamic action since East Hindia time dreamed
founding Islamic Country of Indonesia. This action centralized in West Java,
but its influence to Central Java, Special Area of Aceh , South Sulawesi, and
South Kalimantan. Because Siliwangi Division left West Java to Central Java, Kartosoewiryo
free to widen their influence. Darul Islam / Islamic Troops Of Indonesia ( DI /
TII ) rebellion, could be destroyed in 1965 by Lieutenant Colonel Soeharto.
After through Inter Indonesia Conferention, Indonesia people ready to
face Circle Table Conferention. On
August 4, 1949, delegation from Indonesia was fixed. The member are Drs.
Mohammmad Hatta, Mr. Mohammad Roem, Prof. Dr. Mr. Soepomo, J. Leimena, Mr. Ali
Sastroamidjoyo, Mr. Abdulkadir Pringgodigdo, Colonel T. B. Simatupang, and Mr.
Sumardi. BFO delegation or federal country formed by Netherland leads by Sultan
Hamid II from Pontianak.
On August 23, 1949, Circle Table Conferention opened in Den Haag,
Holland. Netherland Delegation lead by Mr Van Moorsevereen and delegation from
UNCI lead by Kim Cristchley. After hard dialogue, finally on November 2, 1949,
reached Circle Table Conferention ( KMB ). The main result was Netherland would
given souvereignty for Federal Republic of Indonesia at the end of December
At the signals of peace seemed after Circle Table Conferention, Indonesia
startled by decided from Netherland to punish dead an South Sulawesi struggler,
Robert Wolter Monginsidi.
On September, Oktober, and November 1949, the situation in Kebumen was
chaos. Netherland Soldiers used heavy
weapon such as tank, panser, water canon, and plane bomber attacked village
surround Kebumen. Definite Guerilla struggler are not quiet. Against did conciousness never given up, struggle
until die. Even guerilla struggle lead by Major Sudarmo could attack and occupated
Gombong for one day.
On August 16, 1949, Ir. Soekarno chosen as The President of Federal Republic
of Indonesia. His inaugurate was hold on December 17, 1949 in Sitinggil Hall,
Yogyakarta Temple. Drs. Mohammad Hatta chosen
as Prime Minister. His inaugurate hold on December 20, 1949.
The ceremonial manuscrip signed
given sovereignty hold in two place at
same time, were on December 20, 1949. The first place in Holland. The
delegation leader from Federal Republic of Indonesia was Drs. Mohammad Hatta.
The second place to hold signing was Jakarta. The delegation Federal Republic
of Indonesia who did signing was Sri
Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. That even ended weapon against to build and maintain
freedom of Indonesia. That struggle did with suffered and and sacrifice, for
psyche and goods.
After that situation, the situation in Kebumen was improve. Netherland
began to keep their troops from Kebumen. Institutions which located in
evacuation place back to city. People also back to their home. They used tools
and materials to build house and office which broken.

artikelnya bagus gan ^^ sukses selalu dan thanks untuk infonya ya gan ^^ thanks.